Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Willie Nelson Haircut : Willie Nelson Finally Cut his hair?

See the new Willie Nelson Haircut by clicking the image below:

Willie Nelson Haircut ; this must really come as a shock for all of his fantastic supporters throught the years. We are all very aware that Nelson took good care of his pigtails, but now he has come to the conclusion to cut them off! Many people have heard reports that the country singer didn't take it as very much of a big deal, I am sure he just wanted to get them off as soon as he could, stop wasting money on shampoo and conditioner! Elaine Schock which is a spokeswoman for Willie Nelson haircut, says that she thinks he might just have gone tired of wearing his hair that long. "There's a lot of maintenance," Elaine said.

When this country start was born 30th of April 1933, after that he has worked on his mucic career every since. He is most known for beeing an American country singer-songwriter, author, poet, actor. His greatest fame was reached in 1970s, when there was a great outlaw country movement. His latest debut was a song he sung with Mishka, a Reggea artist. The song is called 'Homegrown', this song was released together with his new album 'Talk About', the album was released in March 2010.

Willie Nelson Haircut : Nelson in regards to his Activism

Nelson has always been an activist. Back in 2004, together with his wife Annie, they partnered up with two other people and they build 2 Pacific Bio-diesel plants together. One is found in Oregon and the other is found in Texas. This is where the famous Willie Nelsen Biodiesel company comes from, this company is marketing fuel and other stuff like vegetable oul.

He is also a co-chairman in a Marijuana advisory board. This organization is stricly gotten together to get speed on the legalization of marijuhana and they have even tho you might not believe it had TV comercials proving their cause. Back in January 2005, Willie Nelsn hosted an all-star concert at no other place than the Austin Music Hall to benefit victims of the earthquake back in 2004. The estimates were $120,000 for UNICEF and other organizations. Nelson does some wierd stuff too, he is and advocate for horses and treatment. He has held numerous campaigns against.

He is very popular in the United States, and is looked upon as a real American Idol. There is not many people getting this title around the world!

Willie Nelson Haircut : Nelson Makes His First Hit

In the year of 1973, Willie Nelson signed with Atlantic Records, where he also released a new album called 'Shotgun Willie'. This album got really good reviews allover the place, but it did not sell very well at all. The year to come, he released many new albums. After this he moved to Columbia Records, where they gave him 100% control over his own work. And as always, Nelson delivered quality work which in this case resulted in the album 'Red Headed Stranger' which released in late 1975. This very album became a huge hit, this had many reasons but it did include some cover songs of very popular songs. Nelsons first hit as a singer was 'Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain'. Maybe this is why Willie Nelson Haircut is so popular?

Another big star that was also having success in the country music scene back in those days was Waylon Jennings, and these two guys were soon combined together in a totally new genre called 'outlaw country'. Nelson stayed at the top of most charts after this, with all his songs raging on top in the late 1970s.

The year was now 1978, and Nelson came up with 2 more big albums, these albums had heaps of good tracks on them. The albums were produced by Booker T. Jones. Some people said that these albums would most likely ruin his career, but then again Nelson proved everyone wrong.

Willie Nelson Haircut : Nelson has always been a popular songwriter

Willie Nelson haircut, has always been a popular songwriter. He decided to move to another town in 1960, were he chose Nashville - he moved here because he wanted to get a move on his career. Sadly enough, he never managed to land a record label contract. As a cheer up, he did however receive a publish contract over at Pamper Music. This is when Ray Price did a recording of Nelson's "Night Life", which has lately become the most covered country song of all times, after that he joined a band as a bass player. This band did play his music, and while this happened - many of his songs became big hits for country and pop's greatest artists.

Willie Nelson also did an album with Ray Price, this album launched in 1980 and was called 'San Antonio Rose'. Thereafter he signed with liberty records a year after that and released heaps of new smashing singles. He did however not impress the producers in Nashville with his singing voice hence his career in Nashville never took off.

This is when he moved to Austin in 1965. Here he joined 'Grand Ole Opry', where he released many standards. He had many mid level hits around different charts. When he was back in Austin with the hippie scene taking off, he decided to go back to music.

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Willie Nelson Haircut : Nelson's Interesting Life

Nelson began his life in the state of Texas, his hometown was called Abbott. His parent were Myrle Marie and Ira Doyle Nelson, his dad worked as a mecanic and was a pool hall owner. The way he started his music career, was that his grandparents gave him mail-order music lesson. This all started when he was the age of six. Can you imagine, he actually managed to write his first song when he was the age of seven, and joined his first band when he was at none the more than  nine years old.

Nelson loved to play the guitar. Bobbie, which was his siter was a really good piano player as well, the music just flows through this family. While he was in high school, he got to know more buddies that was into the music industry. They all came together and joined up as a band. Also in high school, nelson worked as a DJ for one of the many local radio stations. He finished his high school in 1951, where after that he joined the Air Force. But left there after about nine months due to some back problems. He then moved on to study at Baylor University for the coming year of 1954. His next move in life was the move to Vancouver which is located in Washington where he wanted to begin his musical career. Here he recored is song 'Lumberjack'. This single was a real good seller, but he didn't make his number one goal, which was to establish a steady career. He then took up a job as a radio announcer while he was also performing in various clubs. This is when he produced 'Family Bible' which is a well known gospel song.