Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Willie Nelson Haircut : Willie Nelson Finally Cut his hair?

See the new Willie Nelson Haircut by clicking the image below:

Willie Nelson Haircut ; this must really come as a shock for all of his fantastic supporters throught the years. We are all very aware that Nelson took good care of his pigtails, but now he has come to the conclusion to cut them off! Many people have heard reports that the country singer didn't take it as very much of a big deal, I am sure he just wanted to get them off as soon as he could, stop wasting money on shampoo and conditioner! Elaine Schock which is a spokeswoman for Willie Nelson haircut, says that she thinks he might just have gone tired of wearing his hair that long. "There's a lot of maintenance," Elaine said.

When this country start was born 30th of April 1933, after that he has worked on his mucic career every since. He is most known for beeing an American country singer-songwriter, author, poet, actor. His greatest fame was reached in 1970s, when there was a great outlaw country movement. His latest debut was a song he sung with Mishka, a Reggea artist. The song is called 'Homegrown', this song was released together with his new album 'Talk About', the album was released in March 2010.

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