Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Willie Nelson Haircut : Nelson's Interesting Life

Nelson began his life in the state of Texas, his hometown was called Abbott. His parent were Myrle Marie and Ira Doyle Nelson, his dad worked as a mecanic and was a pool hall owner. The way he started his music career, was that his grandparents gave him mail-order music lesson. This all started when he was the age of six. Can you imagine, he actually managed to write his first song when he was the age of seven, and joined his first band when he was at none the more than  nine years old.

Nelson loved to play the guitar. Bobbie, which was his siter was a really good piano player as well, the music just flows through this family. While he was in high school, he got to know more buddies that was into the music industry. They all came together and joined up as a band. Also in high school, nelson worked as a DJ for one of the many local radio stations. He finished his high school in 1951, where after that he joined the Air Force. But left there after about nine months due to some back problems. He then moved on to study at Baylor University for the coming year of 1954. His next move in life was the move to Vancouver which is located in Washington where he wanted to begin his musical career. Here he recored is song 'Lumberjack'. This single was a real good seller, but he didn't make his number one goal, which was to establish a steady career. He then took up a job as a radio announcer while he was also performing in various clubs. This is when he produced 'Family Bible' which is a well known gospel song.

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